Lecture 1: Shell using Bourne Again Shell
- shows you time and date<echo>
- results the string after ‘echo’<echo $PATH>
- lists all the paths of the computer<which echo>
- results the path that runs ‘echo’<pwd>
- print working directory<cd>
-change directory<.>
- current directory<..>
- parent directory<ls>
- list files in the directory<ls ..>
- list files in a specified directory<cd ~>
- goes to your home directory<cd - >
- goes to directory you’re previously in<ls --help>
- list of information about the FILEs<ls -l>
- gives more information about the files (group owner)
- are you allowed to see which files are in this directory<search>
- are you allowed to enter this directory<mv (path from) (path to)>
- move files<cp>
- copy the file<rm>
- remove file<rmdir>
- remove a directory if its empty<mkdir>
- make a new directory, use quotation marks<man ls>
- manual page for ls- pipe, take the output of the program to the left and make it the input of the program to the right |
- super user do<sudo su>
- for you to be the administratorLecture 2: Shell Tools and Scripting
- search in a file<echo $(pwd)>
- results the current directory<ls *.sh>
- outputs all files with .sh extension<convert image.png image.jpg>
- converts images<vim script.py>
- shows python script<man rg>
-<find . -path ‘**/test/*.py’ -type f>
- finds all path with .py file<&&>
- and operator<||>
- or operator<;>
- always true<o>
- creates a new line below and goes to insert mode<O>
creates a new line above<u>
- undo<c-r>
- redo (control R)<dw>
- deletes a word<de>
- deletes end of the word<ce>
- change end of the word and goes to insert mode<x>
- deletes that character<r>
- replaces a character<i>
to go back to normal mode<esc>
on your keyboard<c2w>
- change word</>
- search<R>
- select a block of text<y>
- copy and goes to normal mode<p>
- paste<V>
- copy lines of text<quit>
- quits vim<:w>
- writes on the file so you can ‘save’ it<:help :w>
- get help for a ‘w’<:qa>
- quit all<c-d>
-page down<c-u>
- page up<fc>
- find the first ‘c’ in textLecture 6: Version Control (git)
<git help <command>>
- get help for a git command<git log>
- shows a flattened log of history<git checkout -b <name>>
- created a branch and switched to it<git branch>
- shows branches<git branch <name>>
- creates a branch<git merge <revision>>
- merges into current branch<git mergetool>
- uses a fancy tool to help resolve merge conflicts<git rebase>
- rebase set of patches onto a new base<git stash>
- temporarily remove modification to working branch<git commit --amend>
- edits a commit’s contents/message<git reset HEAD <file>>
- unstage a file<git checkout -- <file>>
- discard changes<git remote>
- list remotes<git remote add <name> <url>>
- add a remote<git push <remote> <local branch>:<remote branch>
- send objects to remote, and update remote reference<git fetch>
- retrieve objects/references from a remote<git pull>
- same as git fetch; git merge<git clone>
download a repository from remote<git checkout master>
<git fetch>
<git pull --rebase origin master
<git checkout -b <name of new branch>>
<git status>
<git add .>
<git commit>
<git status>
<git push origin <name of new branch>>
<git stash>
<git rebase -i HEAD~2>
- changing the last 2 comments<git fetch>
<git status>
<git log>
<git push origin <name of branch> --force>
<git stash>
<git stash pop>